Vanessa has just put this honey into jars which we extracted at the end of last season. It's been hanging around in a bucket since then and we still have another large container full with about 40lbs in it.
We've had it on our porridge every day and haven't had a cold all winter. Bless the bees!
Actually I think it is more valuable than gold, certainly more useful.
Awesome! I'm very fond of our local honey here in Italy; it's one of the things that helps keep my allergies to a manageable level. Is Vanessa a beekeeper or do you both keep them? I've wanted to try, but I live a rather transient life so it's not really practical.
Yes I think that local honey is the key specially for asthma and hayfever sufferers.
No, we don't really keep bees - they keep us - we just go and rob their honey every so often! always ensuring they have enough supplies to see them through the winter.
I find them a very inspiring little creature - a perfect social order where each one has its job , knows its place and basically just works itself to death (the workers - all female by the way- may only live 4-5 weeks during the really busy part of high summer).
There are different kinds of beekeeping and one of them would definitely fit in with a transient lifestyle.
Perhaps you know about HTML code?
Under this comments box it says "You can use some HTML tags, such as b, i, a".
I tried to put "local" in my last comment into bold but it just didn't work - several times. Just kept saying you must close links b.
I'll look up the different types of beekeeping; I didn't realise there was such a wealth of variety. Thanks!
Re: HTML code, what it means is that you must place a dash, /, in the ending tag. To embolden a word you must use the beginning tag that it shows you and then a tag that ends the code; < / b >, tho of course you would type it without spaces.
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