Saturday, 3 November 2007

Just when you think its all over - I'm back !

Haven't been able to pick up any broadband lately but all this should change with the advent of our cost cutting package from The Utilitiy Warehouse which includes broadband, free phone calls, cheap gas etc etc. This is via my sister Lizzie so if interested contact me.

Spent most of the week in the garden enjoying the lovely Autumn sunshine and making up stock for Woburn Abbey next weekend. Had a phone call yesterday from a Scots guy who wants to order 4 spurtles after seeing the film of me making them on Dorset Cereals website. During the week we received a big box of Dorset Cereals products as a thank-you for making the website film - might keep us going for most of the winter.

Going out for firework fun and food at Anne & Garys tonight....

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