They say the best things in life are free . . . we drove up to Ely accompanied by a gorgeous sunrise and home watching a glorious sunset plus it was sunny all day but with a bitter little wind nagging at the edges. However takings were well down on previous years as the recession and general uncertainty begin to bite - mercifully we get a demonstrators fee !
One thing about keeping this blog is that when I meet people who read it regularly I can't tell them about what I've been up to - they already know !
Today we're gearing up for a whole weeks event at Hainault Forest organised by the Woodland Trust. During the weekdays we will have special needs kids - blind, partially sighted, wheelchair bound and emotionally disturbed - and at the weekend some Scouts & Beavers. I'll report how it's going during the week. Andy Bisgrove will be there, me and Vanessa and Jo Hammond who's going to weave some dancing figures to fit in with our "Woodland Orchestra" theme. Should be fun . . .
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