What a meal... |
We like to eat fresh fish and our fishmonger comes down from Grimsby to our local market every Tuesday. He picks the
Samphire (Crithmum maritimum) from a secret location in Norfolk and we've been having it for the last month or so. I love it and tonight we had it with a lovely bit of Rock Eel.
Last night we had some Red Mullet which tasted great but was full of bones.
The name Samphire comes from the French "herbe de St. Pierre", or St. Peters herb. It makes your pee smell quite strong, a bit like Asparagus.
Anyone else out there lucky enough to have a taste?
I used to pick it on the Dovey estuary, it must still be there. I remember it being crisp and salty. Is Rock eel dogfish or conger?
It's Dogfish apparently Nic - Conger has nasty bones but still tastes delicious.
Wow! It looks really tasty!
Yep have picked it and cooked on Norfolk and Essex salt marshes, like asparagus or wild garlic one of those things that's wonderfully seasonal. I didn't know it was ever possible to get it commercially, I envy you your fishmonger.
Had some Samphire today at the local pub; better than I remembered. keep promising to take Jude 'shark' fishing so maybe we will be recreating your meal pretty soon. Would rather have conger but they are very uncommon off our local beaches.
Love the stuff! You can buy online here:
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