As you will no doubt have noticed, nothing has been happening here lately. There are several reasons for this :-
- A general loss of interest in technology, computers, internet etc
- Being ill
- Nothing worth writing about has happened in the last month !
On Wednesday evening I went to the last meet of the year of the E.Herts Woodturners with my mate Bill Monroe. Five weeks ago Bill had a heart attack and had
eight stents inserted - he looks really well on it.
Many sausage rolls and mince pies were munched. A big lump of oak was put on the lathe and folk could have a go at helping turn it into a big bowl.
Yesterday went down to Faversham to see my Dad & Velma. Had a great lunch at The Three Mariners at Oare. In the afternoon Frances, my little sister, came round and we all had a good chat and a laugh. My Dad had some bad news - he is going to have an op to remove some of his liver as they have found some cancer cells there . . .