Thursday, 17 January 2008

Power lathe turning ! ! !

Was invited to a meeting of the East Herts Woodturners in Sawbridgeworth by a guy who lives quite close by. Power turners and foot turners seem to regard each other with some suspicion and contempt a lot of the time. I see no need for this and since I have a treadle lathe want to learn about different chucking methods and ways of using tools etc.
They seemed quite a lively bunch and I think I may well go again.
Check the website of the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain. There is quite a lot of interesting info there, links etc - even a link to The Bodgers website !

1 comment:

Robin Wood said...

Hi Robin,
Just looking at setting up a blog myself and since you are thr only other woodie I know with one I thought I'd pop by and say hello. Not really sue how it all works or if anyone will look at it but will give it a go.