Friday 3 May 2019


Very pleasant start to May walking in the forest at Theydon Bois just off Jack's Hill and then onto visit a mate who had some box and walnut for me.

Theydon is an interesting place - right out in the countryside yet on the the tube with a direct line into the West End in around 45 minutes.  The Bois bit is not pronounced in the French way but as 'Boys' in good ole East London manner!  My destination was just off the Green and after some guitar chat involving Gibson Fender and Heritage we repaired to the garage to fine the wood.  Alas the walnut which Roy had intended to make into gun stocks was full of woodworm to Roy's chagrin but the box was intact to my delight and he was glad to get rid of it to a good home.  I'll be using the box to make threaded lid boxes which is a new challenge I'm up for and is most satisfying.
We then went for a bit of a jaunt through the countryside to another estate where we met up with Mark and his young dog Zena (after the warrior princess!) and felled an ash which I'll be using for tool handles. spinning tops, bilbouquets and loads of other things.  So all in all a good load of wood in the back of the car and plenty of chat.

Time to unload and get busy...  

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