Friday 2 July 2010

Norfolk Show

We always feel buzzed up after being in the Woodland Crafts area at the Norfolk Show - not like some events which leave you drained and knackered.
Where else do you see four Bodgers, a Wheelwright, Stickmakers, a Cleft Oak Gatemaker, a Corn Dolly maker, a Cooper, Chairmakers,  Hurdle makers, Basketmakers, Spoon carvers, a Clog maker, a Tent Peg maker, a Besom Broom maker, a Coracle maker, a Bowyer, Blacksmiths & a Bowl Turner???

This is the third time we've taken part (see here and here) and sadly marked the retirement of Eric Rodgers (left centre in pic) who has organised and arranged the Woodland Craft area for over 20 years.  His successor is Henry Alston, a local farmer and  one of the Bowler-hatted members of the Norfolk Agricultural Association.  I did feel sorry for him having to wear that suit, tie and hat in the sticky heat.  We had a whip round and presented Eric with a few items made by the crafters.

When we arrived on Tuesday several of us discovered that vital components had been forgotten!  Katie Abbott hadn't got any legs for her lathe but the Gatemaker came to her rescue with two riven and hewn Oak uprights which they buried in the ground to bolt the lathe bed to, the bungee was strung between two trees,  Malcolm the Peg maker had forgotten to bring any money and had to wait until he'd sold some pegs before he could buy an ice cream,  John Richardson had forgotten his rushing table which his mate brought next day and I'd forgotten the horizontal bar which supports the cover of my shelter but managed to hack down a fairly straight rod of Laurel - this was so effective that I brought it home with me to use again.

My lathe seemed to behave really well this time and didn't tilt forward as I pushed down the treadle.  I didn't bother doing any bowl turning as Robin Wood, spaced-out from Glastonbury, set up his lathe and Heritage Crafts Association stand next to us.  However we did still sell some bowls amongst other things.

I bought one of Rob's poringers and ate my breakfast from it this morning with one of my wooden spoons - very satisfying.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin

looks like you are doing well this year - keep it up. My sales are a bit down this year, not sure why.

Do you know why the lathe suddenly started behaving itself? I am just about to try and make a demo version of the lathe in my shed so I can do bowls as well as spindles at shows.



Robin Fawcett said...

I think it was because Rob Wood was next to me!
Actually I took a bit of time to find a level piece of ground - but I keep thinking I'm going to have to plug the leg holes and re-drill them with more splay.