Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Heritage Crafts Association

At the bottom of the links list you'll see a new button. This is the link to the new organisation formed by Rob Wood and Co to :-

" Support and promote heritage crafts as a fundamental part of our living heritage.

It is unique as an organisation in believing that craft skills should be protected, promoted and recorded as part of our living heritage in their own right, not merely in terms of the objects they produce or their conservation value to old buildings."


Robin Wood said...

Thanks very much for the linky and blog post Robin, the number of visits to the site and people signing up as supporters on the site and facebook has been just wonderful and just show how much people care about keeping heritage crafts alive. Did I hear you are speaking about your work at the Worshipful Company of Turners on Tuesday?

Robin Fawcett said...

Yes Rob, Malcolm Cobb asked me if I could give a short talk as someone else dropped out at the last minute.